About Me

what I do

My Journey To Herbs

I discovered herbs to ease my arthritis pain after Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer, and NSAIDS like advil or aleve were not an option for me. 

In researching alternative medicines, I found herbs. The herbal tea I drink and the herb supplements I take has helped immensley.

Researching further led me using to healthy eating and herbs to help my digestion and gut health. 

Nothing will ever be a 100% fix, but I am in far better shape than the woman with terrible joint pain whose digestion and gut was ‘a wreck’ as a result of the chemotherapy.

I am still on a voyage of discovery about how herbs, the first medicines, can help with many of our body’s modern day ailments.

So come with me as I find new ways to use herbs to improve and promote natural healing.


eat happy be healthy
eat happy be healthy

Janine is a retired Registered Nurse with a passion for coffee,

wine, cooking, and gardening.

She has authored two insightful books:

Getting Through Breast Cancer Treatment and Harvesting Wellness, the first in a series of five books

dedicated to exploring how herbs can enhance wellness and promote good health.

eat happy be healthy

Coming Soon

New Articles To Come on The Blog:

What type of herbs to plant for your specific needs.

  • How to Cook With Wine
  • Herbal Remidies for:
  • Gut health
  • Pain
  • Insomnia
  • Hormone Inbalance

And Recipes!

My Approach

“I believe that to be as healthy as possible, we should look to the wisdom of our ancestors—nourishing our bodies with fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, and meat, all with minimal processing.

By embracing whole, natural foods and the healing power of herbs, we can support our well-being, restore balance, and live with vitality.

Join me on a journey back to the basics of healthy living, where nature provides the best medicine.”

New Ideas Welcome

I have learned so much since 2021 but I am always on the look out for new ideas about how to get healthier.
If you have any ideas that you want to share about herbs and eating naturally, head on over to the contact page and email me.

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in, places to pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike. (Old House Gardens)

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How it Works!

What is the most powerful anti inflammatory ?

That would be Tumeric, also known as curcumin.

Are Herbs Hard To Grow?

No, most herbs are easy to grow. All you need is sunlight, water, and moist soil. And patience.

How Do You Tell If You Have an unhealthy gut?eugiat?

You may have digestive issues, bloating gas, mood changes, fatigue and skin issues. All these can be signs of gut problems.

When Is Your Next Book On Herbs Coming Out, and what will it be about?

My second in my 5 book series on herbs will be available on Amazon in April 2025 and it will be about how to heal your gut naturally.

What Foods Are Best For Gut Health?

A variety of unprocessed fresh fruits and vegetables ,nuts, seeds, and legumes. This foods are all high in fiber and prebiotics that are needed for a healthy gut. 

What Is The Most Versatile Herb?

I think Lavendar most be in the top ten of that group. It can be an ingrediant in herbal remedies, you can cook with it, make perfume and cosmetics with it, and keep away moths and other insects in your closets, just by hanging Lavendar there. Plus is it a beautiful plant.

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228 Sunlight Cove
Temple, GA 30179