Eat Happy Be Healthy

Your guide to eating the natural way

nWhat does it mean to eat naturally?

Our ancestestors didn’t have processed food with all the added chemicals and sugar. They ate real food flavored and enriched by natural herbs and spices. Wouldn’t we be healthier if we did?

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Learn To Grow and Cook With Herbs

Learn how to cook with herbs and bring increased flavor to your dishes. Grow your own herbs and save money. Adding herbs and wine to your food, the way the generations before us did, not only punches up the flavor, it also is healthier.

Improve Your Gut Health Using Real Food

Having gut problems? Tired of the bloating, indigestion, constipation, and taking all those pills? Why not improve your Gut health the natural way- with real food. Not only are you what you eat, you are what you can digest.

Herb Use Corner

See how everyday herbs, that anyone can grow, can not only help flavor your food, but can prevent bugs from getting on your vegetables, prevent pests inside your house and help you feel better.

ving Trouble Learning To Eat Healthy?

You’re Not Alone. How Do I know What To Eat?

This is the question I get most often.

Healthy eating is not only eating the right foods, it is also knowing what not to eat. It is using nature’s bounty to improve our health, gut wise and just generally.

In the blog, you’ll find the latest information on eating healthy real food that we should be eating, and why the generations before us had fewer food related conditions.

I discuss how herbs and real foods can combine to make delicious dishes, appealing to our eye, nose, and tastebuds, and how they can help you feel better.

It is not only “You Are What You Eat.”  It’s also “You Are What You Can Digest.”

     Check The Site For These Subjects.

How Can I Learn To Cook With Herb?

If you can follow step by step instructions, you can cook with herbs. Just like with any recipe, just follow the directions. See the blog post here.

What Does It Mean To Eat The Rainbow?

Eating the rainbow is a term that refers to choosing and eating fresh fruits and veggies from the whole color spectrum that nature offers. From the red of a tomatoe, to the green of spinach, to the yellow of squash, to the purple of grapes, and so on. See the blog post here.

Why Did Europeans Drink Wine Rather Than Water?

Europeans drank wine and beer rather than water because the water supply (in cities), was so polluted it wasn’t clean enough to drink. They even had their children drink watered wine and ‘small beer’ rather than water. 

How Do I Start An Herb Garden?

Almost anyone, in almost any climate, can grow herbs. Whether you grow them in the ground, in pots, or just in water, herbs are easy to grow as long as you have sunlight. See the post about this here.

What Herbal Remedies Help My Digestion?

Several herbs are good for the digestion from peppermint and ginger to avoid and stop nausea, to Slippery Elm and other herbs that sooth the stomach.  There several herb combinations that have been around for centuries which support the immune system. These usually contain Licorice, Gnigseng, and Cinnamon. See more on this subject here.


What Is Processed food, rather Than Unprocessed Food?

 n Unprocessed food is what I call ‘real food.’ Food that come right from the garden or farm, which our additives such as extra sugar, salt, or chemicals. It is suggested that the generations before us were healthier than we are because they didn’t have all these ‘extra’ added to the food supply. An in depth post on this subject is coming soon on the blog page.

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